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Mr. Adam Bell, Director
Voicemail: (815) 356-3418

Morning Rehearsals

See drop off dates. Parents drop off students for Monday Full Band @ 8am. Students should bring instrument, music stand, method book, and other concert music in a 3-ring binder. All band students attend "Full Band" to develop ensemble skills and prepare for performances.

Technique Class

See what page we're on. Students meet in small groups for 30 minutes during the school day once a week. The schedule is posted in classrooms. Students should bring instrument, method book, and other concert music in a 3-ring binder. Students earn beads as they play through our method book and develop instrumental technique.

December Concert

See concert details and save the date for Mon. Dec. 16, 2024 @ Canterbury Gym, 7:00pm. Students will demonstrate their first six notes and play Fun Songs.

February Festival

Enjoy a duet with a friend or play a solo at our annual February Festival. Save the date for Sat. Feb. 8, 2025 @ HBMS, 8am-3pm. This is an optional event and those who register will be assigned music and a performance time. Plan to be there for about 40 minutes. We will rehearse music after the new year in preparation for this fun day.

May Concert

See concert details and save the date for Tue. May 13, 2025 @ HBMS, 7:00pm. This is an amazing evening of music that features the combined bands from Canterbury, Coventry, and Husmann. See you there!